Why family resilience and why now?
Let’s face it...the world we are living in today is full of long term stress that seems inescapable. What do we do when stress is high and we can’t get out from behind it??
We have to find the drive within to keep moving forward and create meaning out of our current circumstances.
This is where RESILIENCE becomes a critical skill to develop...but it may not feel that easy!
Resilience comes in a few forms. It can be character traits like kindness, good social skills, or academic achievement. But...what do we do in the middle of a pandemic?!?
This is where ADVERSITY BASED RESILIENCE becomes critical for making it through the stress of living through a pandemic.
When we grow stronger through the tough times, we develop skills that can carry us through any challenge.
We just need a plan of action and know how to harness the power within.
Developing a plan is where most people get overwhelmed and lost.
It can be even more overwhelming for families to figure this plan out.
That is where the 30 day FAMILY RESILIENCE PLAN becomes a beacon of hope for making it through the tough times.
So get ready to see that ray of sunshine through the clouds as you build your own family resilience map!